Customer Stories

Forneceu mais serviço da atual frota de máquinas e operadores na equipe

West Central FS fez parceria com Solinftec para aumentar a eficiência e fornecer um melhor serviço aos clientes

Customer Story Overview

Monitor and Enhance Service Through Powerful Technology

Solinftec worked closely with West Central FS, Inc., a Growmark cooperative located in Galesburg, IL, to enhance the Solinftec technology as it was being adapted to the U.S. market. As an ongoing partner with Solinftec, West Central FS continues to utilize the agtech to monitor machines, improve communication, find efficiencies and reduce stress for staff.

The Challenge

West Central FS serves more than 6,000 customers from 29 service centers in Illinois and Iowa. As technology evolves in the agriculture industry, customers are asking for data to back up results on their fields, and West Central FS needs to help show how their service is efficient and measurable.

The Opportunity
The Solinftec US leadership team and client success specialist (CSS) team worked closely with West Central FS to understand their operations and needs. After reviewing how the Solinftec applications could fit into each part of their daily process, the team's work together to make enhancements on each custom application solution, with the goal of finding efficiencies for West Central FS.
The Result

The Solinftec solutions helped to increase efficiencies, profitabilities and reduce expenses. By doing this, the West Central team has been able to save on equipment, save money and improve its service to customers to help grow its business.

“Solinftec is an operations efficiency tool that can provide so many things. Increase efficiencies, profitabilities, reduce expenses.”

“Help to save equipment, save hours, save money. They can make you more efficient and more profitable with less equipment - if we do the job right. We can save people hours by sending them home early to spend time with their family.”

Rich DeSchepper, Seed & Technology Manager | West Central FS

AgTech Market Trends

Getting More Out of Your Operators and Machines

Many management team members at ag retailers and cooperatives are asking ‘how do we get more out of the machines we have currently - and how do we serve our farmers better?’

West Central FS and Growmark wanted to solve this problem and partnered with Solinftec to work on answering these questions.

Learn more about agronomy services

“Solinftec se diferencia e uma maneira de fazer isso é sua equipe.”

“São as botas no terreno que trabalham para nós para facilitar o nosso trabalho, dando-nos paz de espírito, ajudando-nos a chegar a casa mais cedo para estar com as nossas famílias. That's one thing I cannot stress enough. Their team strives to be the best they can for our team - and they tornar-se nosso time."

Brandon Hall, Location Manager | West Central FS

Ganhe eficiência e reduza custos com Solinftec

Você também pode reduzir custos e melhorar a eficiência. Fale conosco para descobrir como.

Inicie a conversa

Junte-se a milhares de outros agricultores, varejistas e cooperativas para encontrar novas oportunidades para melhorar a eficiência e otimizar processos - tudo a serviço de alimentar o mundo.